M4499 SAVE M15 Assorted Doormats • 45cm x 60cm M14999 SAVE M50 Assorted Silkies Rugs • 65cm x 110cm M21999 SAVE M30 Assorted Multivinyl • 183cm x 500cm M749 PM X30 Deposit M1790. Total Payable M22269 at 25% Int. M17899 SAVE M2100 M239 x 30 MONTHS Deposit M540. Total Payable M6999 at 25% Int. CASH M5399 SAVE M600 M379 x 30 MONTHS Deposit M890. Total Payable M11289 at 25% Int. CASH M8899 SAVE M1100 4 BEST SALE EVER S T Y L E Camelot 2-Action Recliner Lounge Suite with Console • Scatter cushions and accessories not included Valentino Sleeper Couch • Accessories not included Emily Corner Chaise Lounge Suite with Ottoman • Accessories not included 3-Piece Destiny Corner Lounge Suite with Ottoman • Scatter cushions and accessories not included RECLINERS X2 ALSO AVAILABLE • 183cm x 300cm M14999, Save M30 each • 183cm x 400cm M18999, Save M30 each M379 x 30 MONTHS Deposit M890. Total Payable M11289 at 25% Int. CASH M8899 SAVE M1100 each each each